Showing posts with label hot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hot. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2015

Frustration Remove Tips

Frustration usually occurs when our intended personal goals and dreams are not met. We may feel frustrated when an outcome of what we wanted to happen simply did not happen, or when we meet challenges. There are so many things that can cause us to be frustrated. Some people act on that feeling, while others do not. More often than not, the cause of our frustrations can be attributed to external forces that we do not have control over. It can be triggered by a situation like a gadget not working, or even by another person. Frustration can block us from feeling motivated. We can react by trying to solve what is causing the frustration, or we can just simply give up.

1. Talk to a friend –

 It is always healthy to talk to someone else about anything that is bothering us. Well, maybe not everything, but the point here is to be able to share bottled up feelings with someone instead of just keeping them all to ourselves. Who knows, your friend might have some solutions that can help you!

2. Write your successes and failures in a journal – 

Whether you do it using an online journal or a pen and paper, keeping track of our activities that we feel are limiting us is always helpful. That way, we can have a check and balance as to what worked for us and what didn’t.

3. Accept reality –

 We also need to check our own reality. If we have done everything within our power to accomplish something, and it still does not work out, then we should try to accept it as it is. What I do in this kind of situation is write a pros and cons list, and then I take it from there.

4. Track your progress – 

Sometimes we feel that things aren’t moving fast enough, or they are not working the right away. That could lead to a lot of frustration. Do a check list and see how you are progressing. Sometimes small steps may seem like nothing, but being able to cross those small steps off the list one by one is helpful for seeing successful progress.

5. Take a long walk – 

Taking a break is always good. Do not think of what is causing your frustration for a moment. Hopefully the long walk or break will allow your minds to be clearer once you decide to go back and tackle the problem or situation at hand.

6. Stop blaming yourself –

 Maybe the cause of your frustration is something of your own doing. Accept that and try to find solutions rather than blaming yourself incessantly. It will only put you in a negative mode which will do more harm than good. It’s your fault; accept that and move on.

7. Stop being angry –

 Anger is one way to vent our frustrations. It can be either directed towards ourselves or to the one causing the frustration. Watch a funny movie or read the comic page of your newspaper. The point here is to minimize anger so you can think straight. Only when you are thinking straight and calm will you be able to address the problem that is causing you to be frustrated.

8. Take a hot bath or sleep it off – 

Relaxing your mind by either taking a long hot bath or sleeping it off will do wonders for your tired mind. Being angry or frustrated can make us weak and vulnerable to stress.

9. Be around positive people – 

It is always good to be around people who are optimistic. You can get energy from them as well as advice if they have encountered similar situations like yours.

10. Try to be positive – 

Try to think of the other difficult times that you have encountered and yet succeeded in the past. Say to yourself, this too will pass, as it always does. It may not be an easy thing to do, but if we try to count our blessings and see where we have triumphed in the past, we can see that there is no way that we cannot get through this as well.

Source :(Khalid Mohammad)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Severe Weather Safety Tips

Tornadoes can produce winds greater than 300 mph, and can travel across the ground at up to 60 mph.  They can develop any time of day, any month of the year, but are most common in the afternoon and evening, and in the spring and fall.  Tornadoes are most common across the Great Plains and Gulf States regions of the US.  More tornadoes occur in the United States than any other country in the world, and more tornadoes occur in Texas than any other state.

Below-ground shelters, and reinforced "safe rooms" provide the best protection against tornadic winds.  

Other options include:

In homes or small buildings, go to the northeast corner of a basement.  If a basement is not available, go to the smallest, most-interior room on the lowest floor, such as a closet or bathroom. Cover yourself to protect your body from flying debris. 

In schools, hospitals, factories or shopping centers, go to the smallest, most-interior rooms and hallways on the lowest floor. Stay away from glass enclosed places or areas with wide-span roofs such as auditoriums and warehouses. Crouch down and cover your head. 

In high rise buildings, go to the smallest, most-interior rooms or hallways. Stay away from exterior walls and windows. 

In cars or mobile homes, abandon them immediately!! Cars and mobile homes provide no protection from tornadic winds. If you are in either of those locations, leave them and go to a substantial structure or designated tornado shelter. Do not attempt to seek shelter beneath an overpass or bridge.  They provide little or no shelter and have proved to be deadly options.

If caught in the open, lie flat in a culvert, ditch or depression and cover your head.


Lightning is a threat anywhere thunderstorms occur.  If you hear thunder, it is time to take shelter. 

When inside:

- Avoid using the telephone, or other electrical appliances. 
- Do not take a bath or shower, or stand near plumbing. 

If caught outdoors:

- Seek shelter in a sturdy building.  A hard-top automobile can also offer protection. 
- If you are boating or swimming, get out of the water and move to a safe shelter on land. 
- If you are in a wooded area, seek shelter under a thick growth of relatively small trees. 
- If you feel your hair standing on end, squat with your head between your knees. Do not lie flat! 
- Avoid isolated trees or other tall objects, water, fences, convertible cars, tractors and motorcycles.

Flash Floods 

Flash Floods develop quickly.  They can occur anywhere, along rivers or creeks, in low water crossings or in a dry stream bed. They can occur during any month and at any time during the day. In fact, flash floods often occur at night when it is difficult to find an escape route.  Flash floods can be deceptive. Flood waters are likely deeper and moving faster than you think. 

When driving:

- Avoid low water crossings.
- Use alternate routes to avoid flood prone areas.
- Leave your vehicle immediately if it stalls in flood waters.
- Move to higher ground if you can do so safely. 
- Most cars and light trucks will begin to float in as little as 12 inches of water.
- Act quickly, rising waters make vehicle doors difficult to open.

If you are outside:

- Everyone, especially children, should stay away from flooded creeks, streams or drainage ditches.
- Swiftly flowing water can quickly sweep away even the strongest swimmers. 
- Soggy banks can collapse, dumping you into flood waters.

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