Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Saturday, January 10, 2015

25 Best Practices for Better Business Writing
1. Focus on lucidity or clarity: Write so that your readers will understand your intended meaning. Articulate your thoughts so that the average person can understand them.
2. Use an economy of words: Short sentences are best unless you’re writing for academia or the scientific world. Eliminate unnecessary words and repetition. Less is more.
3. Avoid the latest jargon: Write simply. In an effort to impress readers, some writers mistakenly use the latest buzz words or phrases. It won’t impress articulate senior management.
4. It’s best to capsulize your points: When writing letters or reports, start by stating your information in a condensed form so that it summarizes your points in an easy-to-understand way. You should anticipate important reader questions. Like in journalism 101, answer the following: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Hint – ask yourself: “What do I want the reader to know?”
5. Professionalism counts: That means avoiding unnecessary enthusiasm or exclamation points. If you’re writing for a job opening, use the salutation, “Dear…” Close your letter or email with “Sincerely” or “Best regards.” Even if you don’t know the person, “Best” or “Regards” will suffice. The rule of thumb: Before you complete your writing project, consider how others will view it, as though it might appear in a newspaper or public-agency record. And remember, the Internet is forever.
6. Use correct grammatical structure: Your sentences should be complete, not fragmented, and contain a subject, verb, and object. A writer who is skilled at diagramming sentences will undoubtedly communicate skillfully.
7. Employ subject-verb agreement: If your subject is singular, your verb is plural (“He wants an agreement”). If your subject is plural, the verb is  singular (“They want an agreement”).
8. Know the right pronouns to use: A pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun. The most common errors involve the use of “I” vs. “me.” The pronoun “I” is the subject in a sentence (“I want the project”). Me is the object (“Send the project to her and me”).
9. When to use “saw” vs. “seen.”: “Saw” is the simple past-tense form of the word, “see.” While “seen” is the past participle of “see.” For example, you want to write “I saw the bird” and “I have seen the bird.” (“Seen” requires a helper verb, such as “has,” “had” or “have.”)
10. Properly insert your periods when using a quotation: Insert your period outside the quote. However, journalists, such as the practice in this news portal, place the period inside the quotation.
11. Here’s how to use “that” and “which.” :That” is a restrictive clause and it’s used to explain important information (“We don’t sell trucks; cars are the only vehicles that we market”). More often than not, it isn’t necessary to insert “that.” When using “which” remember it’s a nonrestrictive clause, and it introduces supplemental information that isn’t deemed vital (“Our salespeople have a variety of ways to make good commissions, which is important for their incomes”).
12. Correctly use prepositions: A preposition is a word that links nouns, pronouns and phrases. A preposition introduces the object of the preposition. In a prepositional phrase, for example, “The plane is on the tarmac.” (“On” is the preposition.) Typical prepositions include above, after, at, by, for,  from, in, into, of, on, over, to, under, up, and with. Remember – don’t end your sentences in prepositions.
13. When to use “who” or “whom:” When in doubt, remember it’s “to whom or for whom something is done.” For example, “She was asked whom will be affected.” Otherwise, whom is preceded by a preposition, such as: “At whom did she yell?”
14. How to use “a” vs. “an.”: Correct usage depends on the type of words that follow the “a” or “an.” Use “a” when it precedes a noun that starts with a consonant, “He wants a plane,” or a consonant sound, such as “That was a unicycle.” Use “an” before a noun starting with a vowel, “She wants an elephant,” or a noun with a silent “h”, such as “I want $100 an hour.” When the “h” is pronounced, you can use “an,” including this instance: “He was an hysterical complainer.”
15. Possessives need attention: You add an apostrophe to change your nouns into a possessive form. Here’s how to use a singular possessive: “Did you see the bird’s unique colors?” Plural possessives require that the apostrophe follow the “s” in the noun: “All of the birds’ colors were red.” If there is not a question of possessiveness, then there isn’t an apostrophe.
16. Avoid common mistakes in using “affect” vs.“effect.”:“Affect” is a verb and “effect” is a noun. For example, “On a sunny day, the bright sun affects my vision when I try to catch a baseball, and it has an effect on whether I catch it make an out.”
17. Save your copy as successful templates for future prototypes: If you’re successful in writing a good piece – save it –especially, if you sense that you will be writing a similar document for another occasion. You’ll save time, which is money in your wallet. Be sure, though, to substitute the right salutation or other information in the new document.
18. Insert a call for action: Don’t end your writing in a nebulous way. Make it clear what you hope or expect. For example, suggest setting a time or appointment. Give two options for the reader to consider. Ask the reader to choose the preferred option.
19. Focus on correct genders, names and titles: These three are the most-important words to readers. Make a mistake with one of these and you’ve offended the readers. By far, these are the most-important words in their vocabularies.
20. Use courtesy: Be sure to thank the persons for their consideration. Use the term, “please,” whenever you want something. You’ll find that 98 percent of all communications provide an opportunity for one or both of these courtesies. Avoid the trite, dreadful phrase: “Have a nice day.”
21. Prevent buyers’ remorse: Enhance your odds for success by including a “buyers’ remorse” statement. Remind the readers about the benefits you’re proposing, and how pleased or glad they’ll be.
22. Contact information in e-mails: Your signature should include your contact information, for your reader’s convenience to reach you. If you have an idea or product to market, remember convenience is one of the top five reasons for success.
23. Proofread your work: Yes, it’s easy to overlook errors, and it’s important to double check your tone of writing. One trick I use is to read the  information aloud. That makes it easy to prevent embarrassing errors. If you write something while you’re in a bad mood, proofreading becomes even more important. Showing anger is not OK in business.
24. Use your spell check: Misspelled words are not good for your image. As a safeguard, spell check is a good service. NOTE: However, Microsoft Word’s spell check isn’t 100 percent accurate. In many cases, you’ll have to override the software.
25. Confirm whenever possible: When you receive an e-mail document a strategic partner, even unanticipated, don’t leave the person hanging. Respond with a confirmation. It’s considered good manners.
Not intended to be all-encompassing, these 25 tips avoid most of the errors I’ve seen as a business-performance consultant. If you’re not supremely confident in your organization’s writing, consider hiring a qualified freelance writer.

Friday, November 14, 2014

10 Writing Tips from the Masters
As the world becomes increasingly digital, writing becomes more important. This is especially true for non-writers. If you work in an office, the majority of your communications are made with text by email or IM.Whether you like it or not, your ability to exchange ideas, collaborate with others, and ultimately succeed, hinges on the ability to write effectively.Earlier this week, K. Stone laid out a process to help you write faster, better, and easier. To follow up, here are 10 timeless tips to help you improve style and substance, straight from the pens of humanity’s finest authors.

1. Cut the boring parts:

I try to leave out the parts that people skip. Elmore Leonard
Unless you’re writing for personal reasons alone, you need to consider the attention of your readers. There’s no point is publishing content that isn’t useful, interesting, or both.

2. Eliminate unnecessary words:

Substitute “damn” every time you’re inclined to write “very;” your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain
I used to feel that using words like “really”, “actually”, or “extremely” made writing more forceful. It doesn’t. They only get in the way. Cut them and never look back.

3. Write with passion:

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth
It’s not hard to realize that unless you’re excited about your writing no one else will be.

4. Paint a picture:

Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass. ~Anton Chekhov
Simply stating something is fine, but when you need to capture attention, using similes, metaphors, and vivid imagery to paint a picture creates a powerful emotional response.

5. Keep it simple:

Vigorous writing is concise. ~William Strunk Jr.
Maybe it was all those late nights, struggling to fill out mandatory 10 page papers, but many people seem to think that worthwhile writing is long and drawn out. It’s more difficult (and effective) to express yourself in the simplest possible manner.

6. Do it for love:

Write without pay until somebody offers to pay. ~Mark Twain
When you’re just starting out it’s hard to decide where to begin. So don’t. Just start writing. A blog is a good place to start. The most valuable benefit is the feedback.

7. Learn to thrive on criticism:

You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance. ~Ray Bradbury
Writing means putting yourself at the mercy of anonymous hecklers and shameless sycophants. Learn to make the most of the insults and distrust the praise.

8. Write all the time:

Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things, you’re doomed. ~Ray BradburyThe way you define yourself as a writer is that you write every time you have a free minute. If you didn’t behave that way you would never do anything. ~John Irving

9. Write what you know … or what you want to know :

If any man wish to write in a clear style, let him be first clear in his thoughts; and if any would write in a noble style, let him first possess a noble soul. ~Johann Wolfgang von GoetheLearn as much by writing as by reading. Lord Acton
Successful writing is all about trust and authority. It makes sense to write about your area of expertise. If you don’t have an expertise, reading and writing is the best way to develop one and put it on display.

10. Be unique and unpredictable:

I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite. ~G.K. ChestertonConsistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. ~Oscar WildeZest. Gusto. How rarely one hears these words used. How rarely do we see people living, or for that matter, creating by them. Yet if I were asked to name the most important items in a writer’s make-up, the things that shape his material and rush him along the road to where he wants to go, I could only warn him to look to his zest, see to his gusto. Ray Bradbury
Following what works will only get you so far. Experiment with new styles, even if it means taking criticism. Without moving forward, you’ll be left behind.
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